Located in South-Eastern Europe, Bulgaria is bordered by the Black Sea and cradled between Romania and Turkey. The country has land borders with Greece, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia, too. Its capital city, Sofia, is in the western part of the country.
Bulgaria has many attractions, from its soul-stirring mountains, to its golden beaches. Its historical towns and small picturesque villages look as though they are still in the 19th century!
Bulgaria is a small country, undoubtedly the less expensive one in Europe. Cities such as Sofia and Burga on the south coast of the Black Sea, or Varna in the east of the country, are must-see destinations.
History has left its mark on Sofia, especially the Soviet occupation, as is particularly visible in its architecture.
If you’re looking for genuineness, then you should go to Zheravna. In the centre-east of Bulgaria, this charming little village has a rustic feel, and the special iconic architectural style of this country.
Bulgaria is a land of adventure, where road signs are mostly in Cyrillic! And although few Bulgarians speak a foreign language, the population is very friendly and helpful.