Printing, Graphic design, web design
Graphic design is everywhere, in any company, in different forms. Most frequently in: advertising, publishing, packaging, product design, videogames, web design, printing, and more! Therefore, there are a lot of possibilities for discovery, which will enrich your group trip with as many opportunities, whether you are more oriented towards communication, multimedia or technology, for example.
The printing, graphic design and web design sectors are extremely interesting, both in terms of culture (their development, their history), and in terms of jobs and tools (hardware, machines, software, etc.). Your study trip can address several subjects, or more specifically one of these branches (printing for example), or some specific aspects of any one of them.
Trip at the heart of a company
Your group trip will certainly be the opportunity to visit a printing company, a web design agency, or a well-known company operating in the advertising or multimedia industry, or in a sector that needs graphic design and/or vectorial drawing. It will be an opportunity to have informative meetings with experienced professionals or company managers.
A tailor-made trip
This study trip will be tailor-made according to your objectives, and will enable you to discover the technical requirements necessary to transform graphic design into printable materials or a virtual visual. It will be an opportunity to understand the relationship between digital files, films, plates, proofs, and the way of defining or validating a graphic specification. Whether participants are students, faculty members or sector professionals, everybody will be satisfied with the practical and/or theoretical knowledge acquired.
Any business needs to make strategic decisions concerning the updating of its hardware or software, and to predict societal or international trends. This is why a group trip can also be conceived with the aim of innovating, inspiring critical thinking, raising awareness, etc.
The possibilities for study trips in the field of printing, graphic design and web design are endless: an international journey combined with the wish to see the excellence of work or equipment will necessarily lead to the achievement of your goals.