A tailor-made group trip is a wonderful way to get in touch with fashion companies, or the most qualified clothing or textile industry professionals, for example, or professionals working in this industry.
Everyone with their fashion, everyone with their trip
The world of fashion in general, and its trades in particular, are fascinating and sometimes as lucrative as creative. Let us know your objectives for this professional trip, whatever the type of participants: we will create the steps to take you there, such as for example finding the appropriate company that has the experience and expertise to meet the expectations of the group. This can also mean organizing meetings with professional models, recruitment agencies, or interviews of different stakeholder specialized in a particular task, visiting commercial companies (Adidas, etc.), retailers of brands such as Carrefour for example, which has more than 9,000 stores in 30 countries, and many other possibilities.
Be ready to discover!
Your group trip is a full immersion in the fashion sector, and in this respect, you can discover:
- The strategies of a world leader of this industry (sports articles for example)
- How renowned brands have developed
- How to reinforce your brand and your products in order to enhance your competitive position
- The various career paths, the unlimited possibilities for growth and personal development
- Fashion-specific franchising concepts
- Etc.
A professional trip to explore the world of fashion also means discovering the various functional areas of a company, such as: merchandising, store operations, finance, human resources, sales, and many others.
One of the advantages of a customized group trip is that it gives you the possibility – in a tangible way – to learn about all the specific aspects of the fashion world, such as the designers and private brands recognized at national or international level. Or to learn about the special features that make up luxury or creative clothing, accessories, cosmetics, or jewellery.